C1M Photography Academy


Digital photography can be complicated

In our fun and hands-on photography course, you will learn everything you need to know to get the most out of your digital camera and how to take stunning photos.  Learn what all the features on your camera are for and how to use them. Get very familiar and comfortable with your digital camera. Dramatically improve your photography and start taking the photos you always wanted to take.
Digital photography classes for beginners to advanced
10 great reasons for gift certificates

In-person photography classes since 2008

All our courses and classes are live and in-person. Some courses have the option to take part in via zoom and may have additional online resources available. A sense of humor is recommended but not required.  
Our classroom is located at
13 Columbia Drive, Unit#3, Amherst NH.  
People photographing a sunrise

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C1M Academy


Let the truth be told

Student Testimonials

Walter is a GREAT teacher. I am so far advanced from when I first walked into class 6 snowy weeks ago. Thank you for helping me to enjoy my hobby more than I ever thought possible!

Bob, Mont Vernon, NH

I honestly wish I had taken Photography-1 years ago when I first got my camera. It would have saved me a lot of frustration. Honestly, I set the camera aside for a couple of years because I was so intimidated by it, but I understand now what all the dials and settings mean, which is huge. I think that with practice, my pictures will definitely get better than they were and I understand what I need to do to get them better.

Beth, Fremont, NH

I took Photography-1 because in an ideal setting, I could take perfect photos and everything was great, but there were situations where I wanted to get nice photos and I was having a hard time. I didn't know if I was limited by my equipment or by my knowledge, and this course taught me that it was both. I knew the technical aspects of my camera's settings, but what I didn't understand was how they all fit together. Walter taught me that very well.

Aaron, Merrimack, NH

I had never taken my camera off automatic before Photography -1. I especially appreciated learning about the whitebalance setting and the ISO, because I'd never understood that. I didn't even know I could change the whitebalance on my camera. I have Lightroom, and I'd use that to try to adjust my photos, but obviously it's much better getting the right on your camera first, and now I can do that.

Katelyn, Bedford, NH

I always had this vision of how I wanted my photos to turn out. After taking Photography-1 I think I have the tools that will enable me to get there. It's also nice to take a couple of hours out of the day for myself, just to learn something that I've always wanted to.

Lindsay, Littleton, MA

I had a love of taking pictures, and I had a little bit of a fear that making that too technical was going to take that out of it. After taking Photography-1, I think the reverse is true.

Marlene, Nashua, NH

Before I took Photography-1, I would only take pictures in automatic and half the time, even in automatic, I wasn't getting the right lighting, or something was wrong, and I could never figure out what to do about it. Now to be able to use manual, I think, opens up a lot more options. I know how to manipulate the different settings to get the light I want and that kind of thing. I'm a much more confident photographer now.

Sogole, Bedford, NH

In Photography-1, I learned more about my camera and about being in control of the pictures, rather than letting the camera have control.Now I understand the settings to use and the pieces that have to be moved to take a better photo than I could have six weeks ago.

Maureen, Bedford, NH

When I got my camera, I didn't know what aperture, ISO or shutter speed were. I learned all that in Photography-1, and now I feel like I take a way better picture. I'm really aware of the lighting and how to use my camera. Before I don't think I would have been able to do that. I'm excited to use my camera now.

Michelle, Pepperell, MA

After Photography-1, I finally know how to adjust my camera on manual, and I really enjoy that part of it and not being on "stupid" mode all the time. It's great to be able set the lighting and mess around with the aperture and figure out where I'm at. I'm walking away really happy with having learned the particulars of the camera and being able to set them on my own.

Sandy, Bow, NH

I'm a lot more confident shooting in manual mode after the Photography-1 course. Before, I could sort of make it work just by playing with the numbers, but now I know what the numbers mean and how they all work together, so I'm quicker in manual and get much more consistent results.

Katie, Pittsfield, NH

My biggest problem as a photographer is that when I get frustrated with my results, it's really easy to put the camera into auto mode to take the shot I want. Photography-1 has taught me to be more mindful and to not panic. It's ok to take a breath and check all the settings and try again. This course gave me the confidence to just leave my camera in manual mode and figure it out.

Dana, Dover, NH

For me, Photography-1 reaffirmed everything I already knew about photography from a film background and helped me to tie that knowledge together with digital photography. For example, I'd never changed the ISO, because I was used to shooting with film. It was a major revelation to me that rather than struggling with shutter speed and with aperture, I could adjust the ISO to balance my light meter and still get the shot I'd envisioned. I also really enjoyed the homework assignments. Working on those at home helped me remember and really master what we talked about in class.

Linda, Lowell, MA

The biggest thing I learned from Photography-1 was how to have a handle on my camera. Before, I was always shooting in automatic, so I was relying on the camera to give me the image that I wanted. At the same time, if I didn't think the lighting looked good enough, I wouldn't even take the picture. I'd just use the iPhone. Now I know how to get the picture I want by changing the camera settings. It's a lot easier to get the image I see with my eye onto the camera now.

Doug, Mason, NH

I have been trying to get into photography and learn more about it since high school, but trying to teach myself just frustrated me, so I'd stopped trying. When I was first thinking about coming to C1M, I was debating if it was worth spending the money. I was afraid I'd end up feeling frustrated again, but I don't. I feel like I learned a lot in Photography-1 and understood everything Walter taught us.

Kayla, Portsmouth, NH

I got so much out of Photography-1. I started the course with a camera that I've had for a little over 8 years. I made a really expensive investment, but never really taught myself how to use it. Now I think I have a better understanding of what I'm doing and what steps to take, and I'm excited to learn more!

Tarryn, Amherst, NH

I think I definitely got a lot out of the Basics course. I started out knowing that my camera had a lot of settings and options, but not really knowing what any of them did. Before the course was even over, I was able to take decent pictures at a marathon without them being all distorted, and I could adjust for different lighting situations. The course has been really beneficial to me, and I look forward to continuing to learn.

Katie, Litchfield, NH

I've always wanted to learn photography, but I never had the time or the money when my kids were younger. Now I have time and money, but to get out there and learn something new when you're older is intimidating. I remember coming to Walter at the start of Photography-1 and saying, "Can anybody learn this, or are there some people who just never get it?" I felt like I was going to be that person who was just never going to get it - that all these numbers were never going to make sense to me - but they do. Walter taught in a way that made it easy for me to learn.

Gloria, Hampstead, NH

Licensed by the State of New Hampshire Department of Education
C1M Photography, LLC • 13 Columbia Drive #3  • Amherst, NH 03031
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© 2023 C1M Photography, LLC. All rights reserved.
Educating Photographers since 2008Educating Photographers since 2008