C1M Photography Academy



Your camera probably has built-in light metering, and that's awesome. Except when it isn't. Let's say you want to photograph a scene like the one below, with this quintessentially New England rock wall stretching across a sunlit field. Your camera, in its infinite wisdom, will adjust exposure to accommodate the bright sky, and your result will look something like this. 

If a silhouette is what you were going for -- you've done the thing. But if you wanted your photo to look more like what your eye sees, you might be pretty disappointed. 

Here's a tip that can help. On the back of your camera, you will find a button labeled AEL. This stands for auto exposure lock, and it is the solution to your conundrum. If the object in the foreground is lit to your liking, and you want to keep it that way, follow these steps:

Point your camera directly at the foreground object 
Press and hold that AEL button. 

Still holding the AEL button, raise your camera and frame your shot as you like
Take your photo -- still holding the AEL button

And there you go! 


Whether you're brand new to photography or looking to deepen your practice of a hobby you already enjoy, you might be looking for a new camera.

If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me what camera they should buy, I could buy a camera. It's a common question, and I understand why. There are many options and many opinions on what is best.

When you think of cameras, you probably think of the big 3 -- Sony, Nikon, and Canon. All of them make high-quality cameras with a ton of features. So, how to choose? I've used all three, and I believe Canon is the way to go. Every SLR camera will have a learning curve. After all, every feature added to a camera means one more thing to learn. Of the three manufacturers I named above, only Canon seems to have tried to make their menus user-friendly.

Of course, there is still a learning curve. (Hey, that's why I do what I do in the first place!) In my experience, both as a Canon user and as an educator who has helped hundreds of people get comfortable with their SLR cameras, Canon's learning curve is a little less steep. And that means a quicker, easier path to capturing the stunning images you've dreamed of.

TL;DR:  A Canon Rebel is a great place to start. It has plenty of capabilities and a decent price point. 

Blog Post 
Walter Schnecker
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C1M Photography, LLC • 13 Columbia Drive #3  • Amherst, NH 03031
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Educating Photographers since 2008Educating Photographers since 2008