C1M Photography Academy


What camera to buy ...


Whether you're brand new to photography or looking to deepen your practice of a hobby you already enjoy, you might be looking for a new camera.

If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me what camera they should buy, I could buy a camera. It's a common question, and I understand why. There are many options and many opinions on what is best.

When you think of cameras, you probably think of the big 3 -- Sony, Nikon, and Canon. All of them make high-quality cameras with a ton of features. So, how to choose? I've used all three, and I believe Canon is the way to go. Every SLR camera will have a learning curve. After all, every feature added to a camera means one more thing to learn. Of the three manufacturers I named above, only Canon seems to have tried to make their menus user-friendly.

Of course, there is still a learning curve. (Hey, that's why I do what I do in the first place!) In my experience, both as a Canon user and as an educator who has helped hundreds of people get comfortable with their SLR cameras, Canon's learning curve is a little less steep. And that means a quicker, easier path to capturing the stunning images you've dreamed of.

TL;DR:  A Canon Rebel is a great place to start. It has plenty of capabilities and a decent price point. 

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Walter Schnecker
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